Zweiter Patch für Rise of the Tomb Raider

Endurance-Mode auf dem Weg [Update: Ausdauermodus verfügbar]

News Michael Sosinka

Zu "Rise of the Tomb Raider" auf der Xbox One wurde der zweite Patch veröffentlicht, der Bugfixes enthält und unter anderem auf den Endurance-Mode vorbereitet.


Square Enix und Crystal Dynamics haben den zweiten Patch für "Rise of the Tomb Raider" auf der Xbox One veröffentlicht, Er behebt zahlreiche Bugs, darunter Probleme mit den Savegames, und verbessert auch die Stabilität. Darüber hinaus wurde bestätigt, dass am 29. Dezember 2015 der Endurance-Mode freigeschaltet wird. Hier muss Lara in der Wildnis überleben, indem sie selbst ihre Items herstellt. Essen regeneriert zwar die Gesundheit, aber auch das muss zuerst gefangen werden und für Feuer wird Benzin benötigt. Man startet mit nichts und muss alles finden. Enthalten sind dafür ein neues Outfit und eine neue Waffe.

Major Issue Fixes

  • Prevented a save corruption issue that was causing players to be stuck in the Acropolis or Flooded Archives.
  • Fixed issue that caused cinematics to become non-responsive when the console language was set to Dutch.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the title was started after installing the patch but before the full game was installed.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could run out of pistol ammo and not reload correctly when attacked by a Deathless soldier.
  • Prevented an issue in the Acropolis where the player becomes unable to crawl under a door after backtracking.

Gameplay / Progression Fixes

  • Miscellaneous stability / crash fixes.
  • Prevented a rare issue where the player would become stuck in the Research Base when backtracking.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the crank in the Voice of God tomb to become non-functional.
  • Prevented an issue where the second trebuchet could become stuck in its locked position after leaving the area.
  • Fixed an issue where the third trebuchet became inaccessible due to the swinging object being out of position.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player model to distort in limited circumstances.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the player would become stuck after throwing a portable object and healing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ancient Quiver would disappear after dying with the Adventurer's Quiver equipped.
  • Added additional safety checks in the Chamber of Exorcism tomb to prevent physics errors on the puzzle object.
  • Fixed a rare issue in the Soviet Installation that caused level geometry to disappear (Xbox 360).

Minor Gameplay Bug Fixes

  • Miscellaneous texture / lighting fixes.
  • Removed patch of invisible flame that was hurting players in the Copper Mill.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing animals from respawning in the Siberian Wilderness.
  • Moved a supply crate in the Hunting Grounds so that it can be looted easier.
  • Prevented battle music from retriggering after backtracking to the beginning of the Copper Mill.
  • Fixed an issue where the big cats would ragdoll erroneously after a takedown.
  • Fixed an issue with the Immortal Guardian outfit not granting proper fire resistance.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the player to occasionally face the wrong direction after planting a Piton Arrow.
  • Fixed an animation pop that would occur near the end of the tower climb in Kitezh.

Remnant Resistance Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where user created missions would not save if two or more of the same objectives were used.
  • General improvements to wolf navigation.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could become stuck in place after hit reacting to an exploding generator.
  • Fixed an erroneous message in Targeted Strike if the player had the Efficient Killer skill.
  • Miscellaneous shadow and detail improvements.
  • Fixed an issue with some German subtitles not appearing during voice-overs.

Marketplace / Card Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Gift Pack names from displaying correctly after switching the in-game language.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hydrophobic and Efficient Mining challenges to display times incorrectly.
  • Fixed typo in the Mission Win gift pact description.
  • Disabled use of the Grip card in the Lost City.
  • Adjusted rarity of Compound Bow V to 5 stars.
  • Adjusted multiplier of Bolt Action Rifle 3 and Bolt Action Rifle 4.
  • Adjusted rarity of Compound Bow V to 5 stars.
  • Adjusted rarity of Infiltrator: Master to 5 stars.
  • Adjusted multiplier of the Hunter III card.
  • Adjusted modifiers for the Hunter I and Hunter II cards.
  • Adjusted modifiers for the Tool Belt and Tool Chest cards.

Other / Misc. Fixes

  • Several weapon categories have been renamed to better reflect their modification effects.
  • Removed placeholder images in the base camp for skills granted by challenge tombs.
  • Fixed an issue that was displaying an erroneous count of collectibles in the Broadcast Frame.
  • Fixed localization error in Polish when traversing in the Research Base.
  • Fixed missing subtitle in Lat. Am. Spanish during the ending cinematic.
  • Fixed picture for the Shrapnel Grenade Crafting in Survival Guide.
  • Fixed merged name issue in the forum credits.

Update: Microsoft hat wie versprochen den kostenpflichtigen Ausdauermodus für "Rise of the Tomb Raider" veröffentlicht. Er ist 830 MB gross. Im Xbox Store heisst es: "Lara ist allein in der Wildnis und muss bei Tag stehlen, plündern, herstellen und die rauen Elemente überleben sowie bei Nacht die Bedrohung durch tödliche Gefahren durch Mensch und Tier überleben. Es handelt sich um den ultimativen 'Frau gegen die Wildnis'-Test, um die Grenzen auszutesten, wie lange sie auf sich allein gestellt in der weiten, unerbittlichen Landschaft überleben kann. Für Feuer braucht man Treibstoff, Kälte tötet die Unvorbereiteten, Essen stellt Gesundheit wieder her, aber alles muss gefangen, gesammelt oder hergestellt werden. Man beginnt mit nichts und muss alles finden. Fordern Sie Freunde zum längsten Überlebensspiel heraus und kämpfen Sie sich an die Spitze der Bestenlisten, um sich den Titel 'Ultimativer Überlebender' zu sichern. Enthält ein neues Outfit und eine neue Waffe."

Zudem wurde ein passendes Gameplay-Video veröffentlicht.
