Patch für das alte StarCraft veröffentlicht

Blizzard kümmer sich noch um den Klassiker

News Michael Sosinka

"StarCraft" ist 20 Jahre alt, aber Blizzard Entertainment kümmert sich noch immer um das Strategiespiel, weswegen jetzt der Patch 1.20.8 erschienen ist. Er nimmt unter anderem Änderungen beim Matchmaking vor. Zudem wurden zusätzliche Kommandos für die Freundesliste hinzugefügt und kleinere Optimierungen an der Benutzeroberfläche vorgenommen. Der Changelog liefert die Details.


Specific Changes & Improvements

  • Matchmaking games now have dynamic turn rate reduction if the client determines high latency. The turn rate will start with 16 and scale down appropriately. We expect this to make a positive impact on latency for matchmaking, and we are very excited to be rolling it out.
  • /friends commands have been updated
    • /f l (or list) Shows all Brood War friends plus all Blizzard friends who are currently in SCR
    • /f la (or list all) Shows all friends (BW + Blizzard, regardless of whether they are in SCR or not)
    • /f lb (or listBlizzard) Shows all Blizzard friends (no Brood War friends) regardless of whether they are in SCR or not
    • /f lo (or listOnline) Shows all friends (BW + Blizzard who are in SCR) who are currently online
  • Updated the SD option for bilinear to be a slider. Sliding to the left increases sharpness, sliding to the right increases the intensity of the filter.
  • Slightly reduced the size of the Replay UI center console

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where users would sometimes see a blank page on the post matchmaking toast screen.
  • Portraits in chat now update immediately when changed for friends and non-friend users
