Im offiziellen Forum gab der Community Manager AmberGreen die offiziellen Patch-Notes zu "Star Wars: The Old Republic" bekannt - das Update ist derzeit auf den Testservern.
Der Patch 1.0.1 für "Star Wars: The Old Republic" beschäftigt sich mit grösseren Fehlern im Spiel. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel fast alle Flashpoint-Instanzen, einige Missionen und das Interface. Laut des Community Managers von "SWTOR", gibt es mit dem Patch auf dem Planeten Taris auch keine Performance-Einbrüche mehr.
Derzeit stehen die englischen Patch-Notes im Original zur Verfügung. Sobald wir neue Informationen haben, wann die Updates auf die Live-Server aufgespielt werden, geben wir euch wie immer Bescheid.
Classes and Combat:
Combat Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.
Imperial Agent
- The tooltip for Acid Blade now displays the correct information.
Companion Characters:
Kira Carson:
- Fixed an issue that could cause Kira’s affection progression to become blocked.
Bug Fixes
- Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.
Flashpoints and Operations:
Mandalorian Raiders
- Crowd control immunity has been removed from several members of the Enemy Boarding Party.
Colicoid War Game
- An issue that prevented some players from mounting turrets in this Flashpoint has been corrected.
The Red Reaper
- Darth Ikoral now uses his abilities correctly.
Directive 7
- Mentor now resets correctly if he defeats the player group.
Eternity Vault
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa’s knockback.
- Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.
- Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.
- The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.
Karagga’s Palace
- Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.
- Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.
- Bug Fixes
- All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.
Missions and NPCs:
- A New Master: Defeating Teeno no longer causes him to surrender on top of Phyne, making him difficult to interact with.
- General Faraire: All of Khourlet’s Elite Guards are now accessible by the player.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a mission-related issue that could cause poor performance and client crashes on Taris for some players.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected several instances of non-interactive NPCs appearing and disappearing from the player’s view.
- Rewards for winning Warzones have been increased.
- Warzone completion rewards have been decreased.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue that could prevent some players from entering the Voidstar.
- UI
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.
- Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character’s name.
- Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.
- The splash screen no longer displays longer than the “accept changes” dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.
- Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.
- The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.
- Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.