Perfect World Entertainment schliesst Runic Games

Die Macher von Torchlight & Hob

News Michael Sosinka

Perfect World Entertainment hat Runic Games ("Torchlight") geschlossen und viele Mitarbeiter von Motiga ("Gigantic") entlassen.


Perfect World Entertainment hat Runic Games geschlossen. Das Studio kennt man von "Torchlight" und dem zuletzt veröffentlichten "Hob". Ausserdem wurden die meisten Mitarbeiter von Motiga ("Gigantic") entlassen. Laut Perfect World Entertainment werden die Spiele weiterhin verfügbar bleiben. Perfect World Entertainment will sich jetzt mehr auf Games-as-a-Service konzentrieren. Da passt Runic Games offenbar nicht mehr rein.

Das Statement: "Following the news that Motiga has reduced the staff of its studio, Perfect World Entertainment can confirm that as the publisher of Gigantic, the game will continue to be available on our platforms. A core team of developers remains at Motiga, who will work with us to support the game and its players, including moving full steam ahead with the upcoming November update and future content. We cannot thank everyone enough for their contributions in making Gigantic the outstanding experience it is today.

Perfect World Entertainment recently closed the Seattle office of Runic Games as part of the company’s continued strategy to focus on online games as a service. We’re grateful to the team for all of their hard work bringing incredible experiences like Torchlight, Torchlight II, and Hob to life. Runic Games will remain a part of Perfect World Entertainment’s portfolio of studios, and its games will continue to be available to players, as we stay committed to supporting and growing Runic Games’ beloved franchises.

The staff reduction at Motiga and the closure of Runic Games Seattle were unrelated. Perfect World Entertainment stands committed to delivering the best massively multiplayer online gameplay experiences to our players."

