Neue Jets für Arma 3

DLC-Termin & Trailer

News Release-Termin Michael Sosinka

Bohemia Interactive wird den "Jets"-DLC für "Arma 3" veröffentlichen. Er bietet neue Kampfflugzeuge und mittlerweile steht der Termin fest.

Vor wenigen Wochen hat Bohemia Interactive mehrere DLCs für "Arma 3" angekündigt. Den Anfang macht die "Jets"-Erweiterung, die neue Kampfflugzeuge, ein frisches Szenario und noch mehr bietet. Jetzt hat Bohemia Interactive bestätigt, dass "Jets" am 16. Mai 2017 erscheinen wird.

Zusammen mit dem DLC wird ebenfalls ein kostenloses Update veröffentlicht. Das enthält ein verbessertes Ziel- und Schadenssystem sowie viele weitere Optimierungen rund um die Jets. Weiterhin werden alle Besitzer von "Arma 3" die CVN-83 "USS Freedom" bekommen. Das ist ein Flugzeugträger, der als Operationsbasis dient.

Mit diesen neuen Maschinen geht es in die Luft:

  • F/A-181 Black Wasp II: The F/A-181 Black Wasp II is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter jet. The aircraft was designed primarily as an air-superiority fighter, but also has ground attack capabilities. Its additional external hard points enable the aircraft to carry a wide variety of weapons configurations. The Black Wasp is fitted with the required equipment for carrier operations.
  • To-201 Shikra: The To-201 Shikra is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter jet. The aircraft was designed by a CSAT and Russian joint syndicate with the goal to build a highly agile and maneuverable air-superiority fighter. Similar to the F/A-181, the To-201 also has ground attack capabilities, and is able to support various weapons configurations via its conventional pylons, but also its internal weapons bay.
  • A-149 Gryphon: The A-149 Gryphon is a fourth-generation, single-seat, single-engine, and all-weather tactical fighter jet. The aircraft was designed as a multi-role platform at an affordable cost, and unlike some of the larger air-superiority jets, it can also perform well in low-altitude flight. Despite its aging platform, the A-149 has still been upgraded with the newest sensors and weapons systems.
  • Sentinel: The Sentinel is a fifth-generation, state of the line, twin-engine, all-weather tactical Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV). The Sentinel was designed primarily as a reconnaissance platform, but can also perform precision ground attacks. It typically operates from an aircraft carrier.
