Ein neues Update für "Halo 5: Guardians" ist angekommen. Es nimmt zahlreiche Verbesserungen vor, die sie ebenfalls auf die Kampagne beziehen.

343 Industries hat jetzt abseits der grossen Inhalts-Updates ein neues Balance-Update für "Halo 5: Guardians" veröffentlicht. Dabei geht es um den Singleplayer (etwas schwieriger), den Schwierigkeitsgrad im 2-Spieler-Koop (etwas leichter) und auch die Waffen sowie die KI. Es wurden also viele Anpassungen vorgenommen, die ihr nachfolgend aufgelistet seht.
Die Änderungen:
- Reduced two-player difficulty slightly
- Increased single player difficulty slightly
- Made Warden attacks a little easier to dodge, particularly on lower difficulties
- Face Beam tracks moving targets less accurately
- Gravity Bomb has less homing
- Melee attack has slightly less range
- Made the Warden slightly easier to kill from the front
- Reduced AI Focus Turret damage output
- Reduced AI Storm Rifle, Suppressor and Light Rifle effectiveness
- AI Storm Rifle: fires in shorter bursts, projectiles spread out more and move more slowly. Jackals are now less effective than Elites with the Storm Rifle
- AI Suppressor: fires in longer bursts, projectiles have less homing. Crawlers are now less effective than Soldiers with the Suppressor
- AI now fire shorter bursts with the Light Rifle
- Increased AI Plasma Pistol, Needler and Beam Rifle effectiveness
- AI Plasma Pistol: slightly higher accuracy and damage
- AI Needler: AI now fire longer bursts (i.e. can now supercombine players on Heroic and above), slightly higher damage
- AI Beam Rifle: slightly more damage (mostly this will make it a two-shot kill instead of a three-shot kill in Heroic single player, allowing Jackal Snipers to actually kill a player from time to time)
- Added a “tackle” animation to Sword Elites – shoutout to Pat Gillette for making the sweet sword tackle animation
- Instead of stopping to swing at a moving target they can swing on the move
- Increased Elite, Elite Officer and Soldier Officer durability
- Reduced Soldier bamf frequency
- Killing a Crawler now deals area-of-effect damage to all nearby enemies, softening them up or killing them outright
- Reduced frequency of Squad AI getting killed while in a gunner’s turret in a player’s vehicle
- Made being killed by an attached Plasma Grenade non-revivable, similar to lethal damage from a Binary Rifle
- Increased AI special ability chance with higher player count in co-op games, e.g. Plasma Pistol overcharge, grenade throw
- Increased AI promotion chance with player count in co-op games
- i.e. in cooperative games you will encounter more high-ranked enemies where promotion paths exist (most noticeable with Grunts, Elites, Jackals and Crawlers)
- The first player to press the “Call for Help” now has priority, other players will have to wait their turn for a revive – shoutout to Mr. Robert Kingsley for the code fix for this
- Coliseum no longer has Binary Rifles, the Sniper and Rocket Launcher pads are now swapped, and the Suppressor is at the bottom of the Grav Lift.
- Fathom’s SAW now only has one magazine and its spawn time is 2 minutes compared to the previous 3 minutes.
- Empire’s Tower One not has the shotgun, and the Plasma Pistol has moved to the small street in between “Tower” and “Pit.”
Ansonsten sind die Fiesta-Modi jetzt in den Custom-Games verfügbar, während Infection derzeit für 12-Spieler-Matches getestet wird.