Wie unsere Kollegen von EGM berichten, ist inzwischen Patch 1.13 für "Call of Duty: Black Ops" verfügbar - rechtzeitig für die Veröffentlichung das Rezurrection-DLC.
Folgende Fixes und Erweiterungen enthält der aktuelle Patch:
(sorry, erstmals nur in englischer Sprache)
- Security Updates.
- Addressed an issue where Custom Private Match settings were carrying over to Public matches.
- Prohibited clan tags can no longer be used.
- A player’s win streak will now break if they quit out during a live match.
- Players that are partied up are no longer allowed to go into party-restricted lobbies such as FFA.
- Fixed a rare issue with Recent Games not showing the correct heat map.
- Addressed an exploit copying another player’s emblem/playercard.
- Added Rezurrection DLC support. (Launching September 22nd,)
- Fixed some issues related to invites going from Zombie to Multiplayer.
- Unlocked clan tag colors can now be set using the swapped X/O button configuration.