Leatherface in Dead by Daylight

Trailer zeigt den Killer

News Video Michael Sosinka

"Dead by Daylight" hat einen neuen Killer bekommen: Leatherface kann ab sofort für die PC-Version des asymmetrischen Horrorspiels erworben werden. Ein passender Trailer steht ebenfalls zur Ansicht bereit. Nachfolgend lest ihr über seine Fähigkeiten.

Einige Fähigkeiten von Leatherface

  • Knockout Perk: Attacks by Leatherface are too painful for Survivors to handle, making downed Survivors auras invisible to other Survivors when outside of a certain range.
  • Barbecue & Chili Perk: After hooking a Survivor for sacrifice, Leatherface’s bond with The Entity allows him to see momentarily the auras of all other Survivors that are outside of a certain range. It also provides 100% bonus Bloodpoints for any scoring event while a Survivor is in the process of being sacrificed.
  • Franklin’s Demise Perk: Attacks by Leatherface are so vicious that they cause Survivors to drop their carried items. Items lost in the fog will sustain damage, thus losing some base charges.
