Der nächste PC-Patch für "Gears of War: Ultimate Edition" dürfte bald erscheinen. Er führt neue Breitbild-Auflösungen hinzu.

The Coalition hat bekannt gegeben, dass der dritte PC-Patch für "Gears of War: Ultimate Edition" auf dem Weg ist. Er ist bereits in der Zertifizierung. Unter anderem werden die Breitbild-Auflösungen 2560x1080 und 3440x1440 eingeführt. Ausserdem werden die niedrigen Textureinstellungen optimiert. Nachfolgend lest ihr den Changelog.
Update: Der Patch steht ab sofort zum Download bereit, wie die Entwickler bestätigt haben.
Dritter PC-Patch für Gears of War: Ultimate Edition:
- Ultra-wide resolutions (2560×1080 and 3440×1440) added to the game.
- Pipeline state object cache optimizations to reduce hitches during level transitions.
- Fixed a bug that could cause full Unreal garbage collect unnecessarily, leading to minor visual hitches.
- Fixed a visual corruption bug that would rarely affect Nvidia cards when changing resolutions and VRAM became over committed.
- Added support for setting anisotropic filtering level through the INI file (details on how to do this coming soon).
- Fixed lack of mouse input when using lowest mouse sensitivity and fully zoomed in with sniper rifle and moving the mouse very small amounts.
- Adjustments to low (1GB VRAM) texture setting.
- Added ability to toggle an FPS counter. Press the "Delete" key at any time to turn the counter on/off. (Why Delete key? Because we have it reserved from rebinding).
Das wird derzeit auf Server-Seite getestet:
- Restriction on number of strict NAT's removed.
- Allow games to go to lobby and start with 6 players, new players can continue to back-fill the match.
Weitere Dinge, die in Entwicklung sind:
- Reduce audio stutter on older CPU's.
- Multi GPU support.
- Identify cause of large hitches seen by some users.
- V-sync tearing support.
Wird derzeit noch untersucht:
- Ping displayed in scoreboard.
- Push to talk.
- FOV adjustments.