Das Survival-Game "Impact Winter" ist leider nicht ganz so sauber gestartet. Deswegen wird jetzt schnell ein Patch nachgeschoben.
Der Launch des Survival-Games "Impact Winter" ist etwas schief gegangen, da auf Steam schnell sehr viele Beschwerden aufkamen. Unter anderem werden die umständliche Tastenbelegung, die fehlende Maus-Unterstützung und die langen Ladezeiten kritisiert. Deswegen soll schon am 25. Mai 2017 ein Patch nachgeschoben werden. Er verbessert die Steuerung und entfernt den nutzlosen Launcher. Auf etwas längere Sicht von mehreren Wochen wollen die Entwickler bei Mojo Bones weitere Probleme in Angriff nehmen.
VERY SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES (by Thursday 25th of May)
- Improvement of Keyboard and Mouse controls
- Mouse support in menus and in the game.
- Remapping and improvement of controls, including mouse
- Removal of the launcher (the launcher has no real use and is confusing for a lot of you).
SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES (within 1 or 2 weeks)
- Continuous improvements of Keyboard and Mouse controls, taking into account your feedback. We also want to implement several keyboard / mouse configuration layouts.
- We have found a way to cut loading times by half, but this requires proper testing to make sure it doesn’t impact some areas of the game. We will release this as soon as possible.
- Support of localized keyboards (Azerty, etc.)
MEDIUM TERM OBJECTIVES (within 3 or 4 weeks)
- Implementation of custom Key binding.
- Mojo Bones and Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe teams are working around the clock to make sure we’ll stick to this plan.
- Obviously, we’ll also continue to fix remaining bugs and improve different areas of the game as a long term support for this game. We’ll also continue to take into account your feedback at the best of our capacity.
- Be assured that we’ll keep you posted about the content of patches regularly and about our updated plans.
- We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to bring you a smooth Impact Winter experience as soon as possible.