Infinity Ward hat für den Shooter "Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare" auf dem PC, der Xbox One und der PlayStation 4 das umfangreiche Update 1.06 veröffentlicht, da zahlreiche Bugfixes enthält. Nach dem Download sollte das Spiel deutlich fehlerfreier laufen. Nachfolgend steht der Changelog zur Ansicht bereit.

General Fixes
- Fixed exploits on various maps
- Adjustments to the Message Of The Day
- Fix for a bug where players would experience a crash after loading into Frontier from a custom game
- Fix for a freeze that can occur during Single Player
- Fixed a bug for camos in the Create a Class menu
- Audio adjustments in the Emblems menu
- Fix for weapon accessories not appearing on the left Akimbo weapon
- Fix for the pre-match camera causing streaming issues when loading into Throwback
- Fix for users being unable to change teams, making the player unable to access spectate or CODCaster options in custom FFA games
- Created a fix for players not earning Keys after reaching max rank with Mission Teams (you can earn keys with a level 50 team!)
- Fix for an infinite loop that could occur if opening the game in an already running state
- Various visual adjustments to MP splitscreen when loading into certain maps
- Fix for the MP scoreboard briefly displaying a player’s score as the team score if the user has their scoreboard open during a round transition
- Allow for the rank meter animation to play again once a user confirms they would like to redeem a 2XP token
- Fixed a bug where the 3rd person player character did not face the correct way when airborne and shooting another player
- Fixed a bug in splitscreen where neither player could view the weapon models on occasion
- Hardpoint adjustments: Throwback - Removed "Lime" Hardpoint from rotation. Hardpoints 1-4 go in the same order: Train Platform > Barn > Bike Path > Baseball Field > repeat. The Hardpoint for Bike Path was slightly adjusted to not allow captures while wallrunning on the side of the bridge.
- Hardpoint adjustments: Breakout - Moved Visitor Room Hardpoint on top of the Visitor building (Central Rooftop)
Xbox One
- Fix for a rare occurrence where a black flicker would occur after a match when in the post-game lobby
- Fixed a bug where select weapons would not auto reload when a player sprints
- Adjusted audio issues for users without headsets on and in correlation to whatever settings they have set up in Display and Sound
- Fixed an issue where users were not able to unmute players
- Fix for a bug in the advanced video option menus
- Fixed an issue where after a player removes their controller in the Create a Class menu in MP, it can cause the gamepad icons and buttons to still appear on screen
- Fix for the Enter Key when being used for keybinding Various performance and UI fixes
- Fix for an error message users might see after changing texture resolution options
- Fix for the personalization weapon kits button disappearing in Zombies in Spaceland
- Fix for exiting the game via the Main Menu that can sometimes cause the game to freeze
- Fix for a bug where if the caster rapidly changes from display to loadout settings or vice versa using keyboard shortcuts, the previous menu would reopen
- Ability to hide team logo and team name and in the scoreboard MP HUD when toggling off Team Identity • Fix for game rules no locking when selecting CWL rules.
- Allow for CWL rules to be edited but once an edit is made, the CWL tag will disappear
- Allow players to see the team colors of other players while in pregame lobby besides their own • Fix for XRAY customizations not being displayed once the game loads
- Fix for a bug where that match would not end while casting Gun Game or FFA matches with custom rules set to limited lives
- Fix for Uplink goal color while in “follow drone” spectating and performance fixes for the follow drone feature
- Allow Rig draft in private match
- Fix for minimap sizes in CODCaster
- Disabled the white UAV sweep that would occur on the minimap when in CODCaster
- Fixed a bug where players are able to use Payloads/Traits with the wrong character
- Added audio timer to Draft