Der gute, alte Major Nelson von Xbox LIVE gab auf seinem Blog nun mal wieder bekannt, was es in den kommenden Tagen an neuen Angeboten und Titeln auf dem Xbox Marktplatz geben wird.
Hier die Übersicht:
Xbox LIVE Arcade ****Release Date****Price**Microsoft Points Burnout Crash 21-Sep 800 Rotastic 21-Sep 800 Mercury Hg 28-Sep 400 MLB Bobblehead Baseball Battle 28-Sep 800 **Game Add-ons****Release Date****Price***Microsoft Points* Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road 20-Sep 800 Dance Central songs The Pussycat Dolls ft. Busta Rhymes, “Don’t Cha” 20-Sep 240 Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson and D.O.E., “The Way I Are” 20-Sep 240 Rupee, “Tempted to Touch” 20-Sep 240 **Deal of the Week****Discount Dates****Price***Microsoft Points***Puzzle Me This…. Gyromancer September 20– 26 600 (50% off) Portal: Still Alive September 20– 26 600 (50% off) Bejeweled Blitz LIVE September 20– 26 200 (50% off) Ilomilo September 20– 26 400 (50% off) Sword & Sorcery Might & Magic Clash of Heroes September 27–Oct. 3 800 (33% off) Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale September 27–Oct. 3 800 (33% off) Games on Demand****Release Date Resident Evil 4 20-Sep Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II 20-Sep MLB 2K11 20-Sep Resident Evil: Code Veronica X 27-Sep Crysis 2 27-Sep Blur 27-Sep Avatar Marketplace ****Release Date Major League Baseball Update 22-Sep Nightmare Before Christmas 27-Sep Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale 29-Sep NBA 2K12 29-Sep RAGE Update 29-Sep South Park Update 29-Sep Game Demos****Release Date NBA 2K12 20-Sep Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster 27-Sep
* nicht in allen Regionen erhältlich.