Sheltered 2 erscheint in diesem Jahr

Erster Trailer zum Survival-Game

News Video Michael Sosinka

Der Publisher Team17 und der Entwickler Unicube haben heute angekündigt, dass das Ressourcen-Management-Survival-Spiel "Sheltered 2" in diesem Jahr für den PC (Steam) erscheinen wird. Ein erster Trailer ist auch zu sehen.

Es heisst: "Sheltered 2 spielt in einer zerrissenen post-apokalyptischen Welt, in der das Leben nicht mehr das ist, was es einmal war. Mit einem neuen 3D-Kunststil, einem neuen Kampfsystem, neuen Fraktionen und neuen Herausforderungen, denen sich die Spieler in der trostlosen Einöde, die sie ihr Zuhause nennen, stellen müssen, ist Sheltered 2 eine düstere und bestrafende Ergänzung der Serie."

Features von Sheltered 2

  • Factions: The factions system allows players to forge relationships with other groups to provide their base with resources and support, or they can grab their weapons and take things the old-fashioned way
  • Resource Management: Players will balance the needs and wants of their survivors, manage scarce resources, craft items needed to maintain the shelter, and build equipment to keep their group alive
  • Permadeath: New for Sheltered 2. The leader is the most important member of the shelter, so permadeath means that if they die, the game is over. Starvation, asphyxiation, extreme temperatures, and combat are just some of the challenges players will face in the harsh wasteland
  • Combat & Weapons: When negotiations fail, players will wield a huge variety of makeshift weaponry against hostile outsiders, fighting to the death in turn-based combat to win the critical resources needed to survive
  • Characters: Survivors have their own personalities, traits, desires, and skills to acquire, and the ability to customise each individually means every faction member is unique.
Quelle: Pressemeldung
