Update 2.9.0 für Splatoon angekündigt

Erscheint nächste Woche [Update: Ist erhältlich]

News Michael Sosinka

Nintendo hat bestätigt, dass "Splatoon" am 6. Juli 2016 das neue Update 2.9.0 erhalten wird. Es wird die Unterstützung für neue amiibo-Charaktere liefern und auch verschiedene Balancing-Anpassungen vornehmen. Der Download wird 373 MB gross sein und nachfolgend lest ihr den Changelog.


Update: Die Version 2.9.0 steht zum Download bereit und ist zirka 373MB gross.

Splatoon - Version 2.9.0

Compatible amiibo Added

  • Now compatible with Callie and Marie amiibo.

Main Weapon Balancing

  • Adjustments have been made to specifications for certain Main Wepons.

Special Weapon Effect Duration Balancing

  • Adjustments have been made to specifications for certain Special Weapon Effects.

Stage Adjustments

  • Ancho-V Games: Fixed an issue in Rainmaker mode, in which certain terrain wasn’t appearing correctly on the turf map when inked.

Multiplayer Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused players performing a Super Jump while swimming through ink to appear to be sliding long distances to opponents.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Ink Mines placed on enemy turf to occasionally be visible byopponents, whether or not they had the Bomb Sniffer gear ability.


  • Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
