Für das Rollenspiel "The Technomancer" wurde ein neuer Patch veröffentlicht. Dieser behebt Bugs und verbessert die Stabilität. Auf Grundlage des Spieler-Feedbacks wurde ausserdem der einfache Schwierigkeitsgrad leichter bzw. zugänglicher gemacht, damit man ohne Mühe besser der Geschichte folgen kann. Nachfolgend steht der Changelog zur Ansicht bereit.

Update 3636
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where you could be blocked in the "Under Threat" main quest.
- Fixed an item duplication exploit
- Fixed a bug preventing to complete the tutorial if you changed the binding before starting it
- Fixed a bug where the wrong button was shown during the tutorial with a PS4 controller on PC
- Fixed animation bugs on the character
- Fixed two bugs preventing to complete side quests "Crowd of beggar" and "Extortion under threat" after fleeing from Ophir
- Minor bug fixes
- Stability improvements
- Minor UI improvements
- Implementation of a key that toggles walking or running, bound on "Caps Lock" by default
- Rework on the loot/drain binding system in keyboard/mouse controls: Loot will now always be bound on "interaction 1" (E) and drain on "interaction 2" (Q)
- 'Easier' Easy Mode - Following player feedback, we've reworked Easy difficulty to be more accessible. This is ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy the story without investing too much time into combat.