Der "Alienjäger"-DLC für "XCOM 2" wurde veröffentlicht und zeigt sich im Launch-Trailer. Ein Patch für das Basisspiel steht ebenfalls zum Download bereit.
2K Games und Firaxis Games haben den "Alienjäger"-DLC für "XCOM 2" veröffentlicht. Besitzer des "Verstärkungs"-Packs (der Season-Pass) müssen dieses DLC nicht mehr separat kaufen. "Alienjäger" bietet eine storybasierte Mission, neue Waffen und Rüstungen, eine neue "Jägerzentrale"-Verbesserung für die Waffenkammer der Avenger sowie drei neue "Alienherrscher"-Einheiten als Gegner.
Schaut euch dazu den Launch-Trailer an und ausserdem wurde ein 475 MB grosser Patch für das Basisspiel veröffentlicht, der Bugfixes, Performance-Verbesserungen und eine Balance-Überarbeitung enthält.
- Fixed an issue where the doom countdown timer was refilling after the Avatar bar filled up
- Repeater no longer triggers after Stock damage or damage done over time
- Mimic Beacons can no longer be reanimated
- Mimic Beacons can no longer be targeted by Aid Protocol
- Zombie Soldiers count towards “Soldiers Dead” counter
- Evac zones can no longer be placed on a soldier
- Fixed an issue where XCOM units were hitching after pod reveals
- Fixed an issue where armor was not resetting properly after restarting the Avenger Defense mission
- Fixed a crash that would occur after opening an ADVENT garage door
- Soldiers equipped with the Hazmat Vest will no longer be affected by Acid Burn when pathing over Acid
- Fixed an issue where loot was not being given to the player after killing an enemy next to a soldier with a hacked turret
- Fixed multiple issues that would occur when a Gatekeeper is killed while affected by Chryssalid poison
- Specialists can no longer receive the Phantom ability through the Advanced Warfare Center
- Fixed an issue where certain AOE attacks could be used when selected while the unit was in movement
- MP balance changes (more details)
- ADVENT and Alien units with weapons have been given range bonuses/penalties
- Fixed an issue where squads would be deleted when saving and editing Loadouts
- Fixed an issue where new squads were not being created upon selecting “Save As New Loadout” in the Edit Loadouts Menu
- Fixed an issue where weapon customizations were not saved when created in the Squad Loadout
- Fixed an issue where the Stun Lancer’s charge attack was causing players to desync
- Fixed an issue where Skulljacked units floated too high in the air
- Fixed an issue where weapons inappropriately remained in the hands of soldiers
- Fixed an issue where grenades were causing environmental damage on their way to the target
- Fixed an issue where XCOM soldiers and Psi-Zombies were able to share the same tile
- Fixed multiple animation issues caused when carrying an unconscious unit
- Fixed an issue where a soldier remained bound by a Viper’s Bind and Crush ability after killing it
- Fixed an issue where explosions would occur early
- Removed a hitch that would occur when building visibility is disabled/enabled
- Fixed an issue causing lighting to appear dark when launching the title on specific AMD setups
- Fixed an issue where the default setting for the Anarchy’s Children slider in the options menu was inconsistent between platforms
- Fixed an issue where enemy weapons would continuously ragdoll after a unit was killed
- Fixed an issue where the Loadout screen music plays after loading a Strategy save mid-mission
- Fixed a crash that would occur when accessing the ADVENT Broadcast Network mission while mods were active on the Geoscape
- Implemented a ‘Select All Mods’ button
- Extended the character length for bios
- Adjusted some prewritten soldier bios
- Fixed an issue where users could access locked customization options
- Fixed an issue where the wrong options were sometimes appearing in the Gameplay tab in the Options menu
- Fixed an issue where tooltips would not show when viewing the Options menu
- Game state classes can now be overridden
- The ‘static’ scope keyword now works with override classes, allowing static functions to be overridden
- The X2DownloadableContentInfo class has been extended to provide many new hooks for events such as mission start/end
- The X2DownloadableContent class can now route ‘exec’ functions (console commands) allowing mods to implement their own cheats