PlayStation Network

Sony: Passwörter waren einwegverschlüsselt!

News Roger

Gestern abend hat sich Sony erneut bezüglich des PlayStation Network Zwischenfalls zu Wort gemeldet. Die Gerüchte um einen möglichen "Zurückkauf" der gestohlenen Daten entsprechen nicht der Wahrheit.

We want to state this again given the increase in speculation about credit card information being used fraudulently. One report indicated that a group tried to sell millions of credit card numbers back to Sony. To my knowledge there is no truth to this report of a list, or that Sony was offered an opportunity to purchase the list.Des weiteren möchte Sony noch einmal klarstellen, dass auch die Gerüchte bezüglich "in Klartext gespeicherten Kennwörter" falsch sind. Es entspricht der Wahrheit, dass die Passwörter nicht verschlüsselt waren. Allerdings wurden die Daten gehasht, was technisch einer Einwegcodierung entspricht.
One other point to clarify is from this weekend’s press conference. While the passwords that were stored were not “encrypted,” they were transformed using a cryptographic hash function. There is a difference between these two types of security measures which is why we said the passwords had not been encrypted. But I want to be very clear that the passwords were not stored in our database in cleartext form.
